- Population Profile: Include a demographic profile of your community’s population using U.S. Census and other data sets (guidance is posted to the Content section of the course Blackboard site and will be discussed in class). The demographic profile should include, at a minimum: total population size; percentages of population by race, ethnicity, age, and gender; household types and relationships; housing patterns; education; income, poverty, and employment (occupations, unemployment rates, etc.); languages and ancestry. Demographic description should include pertinent comparisons to larger city or state figures on key defining factors (e.g., race/ethnicity; income/poverty; age ranges). Include analysis of what the numbers say about the people who live in the community: what do these data mean? What do they convey about community assets and challenges? Are there any concerns about accuracy or reliability of available data?
- You may also include additional supporting materials, such as maps, Census data, photographs, copies of flyers or brochures, etc.The U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder website will be your primary reference source for demographic research to complete Assignment #1: (http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t) Additional information may be available through municipal planning departments (in Boston, it’s the Boston Planning and Development Agency), on city or town websites, and from other sources, as noted below:
- US Census Bureau (www.census.gov) § American Fact Finders http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t
- Municipal Planning agencies or departments (see your city or town’s website)§ Boston Planning and Development Agency
- Research site: http://www.bostonplans.org/research-maps/research/research-publications?categoryid=164
- Neighborhood maps: http://www.bostonplans.org/research-maps/maps-and-gis/neighborhood-maps
- Census tract maps: http://www.bostonplans.org/research-maps/maps-and-gis/census-and-demographic-maps
- Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health § Environmental Public Health Tracking Program: https://matracking.ehs.state.ma.us/#§ Community Health Profiles (MassCHIP): http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/researcher/community-health/masschip/
- Boston Public Health Commission Health of Bostonreport, 2014-2015
- http://www.bphc.org/healthdata/health-of-boston-report/Pages/Health-of-Boston-Report.aspx
- National Community Reinvestment Coalition mapping tool: http://maps.ncrc.org/holc/
- Harvard World Map: http://worldmap.harvard.edu/
- Zip code-based research with Google overlays: unitedstateszipcodes.org
- Community Development Corporations
- Hospital Community Health Needs Assessments (prepared every three years and available to the public, as required by the IRS to implement federal health care reform under the Affordable Care Act)
- Real estate and other commercial web sites
- United Way and Community Foundation reports
- Wikipedia
- Media coverage
Demographic profile
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