Design/Tech Presentations

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Assignment

GET ANSWER – Page to Stage: Design/Tech Presentations. For your final in our class you will be creating a “design/tech” presentation on your play that you wrote for our class. You will need create a PowerPoint and upload it to the discussion board so that your other classmates can see it. Please check the files folder for examples from past classes.

This is your opportunity to truly bring your play to life!

I am not expecting you to be a pro at these technical areas. I am, however, asking that you give time and thought to how these design elements would enhance your play. This is an exciting and creative opportunity for you to bring your play to the next level.

This presentation should include discussion and representation of the following elements:

Scenic Design: What sort of set would most make sense for your play? What is the background or backdrop? What sort of furniture is on stage? If any? How literal or non-literal is your set? Will the set change from scene to scene? What time period and place is your play taking place in? How does that impact the set? Remember, this is not a movie – you are limited to a stage. Please include a drawing or photos in your presentations to represent your set choices

Sound Design: What sort of sound would enhance your play? Music? Background noise? Are there sound cues (a phone ringing, a doorbell, etc.)? When does the sound come in? Why? Please have examples prepared for the presentation.

Costume Design: What costumes are your characters wearing? What do those choices tell us about your character? Do they change costume? Why? Remember, this is not a movie. What time period and place is your play taking place in? How does that inform the costumes? Please have a costume choice for each character represented in thepresentation.

Lighting Design: How do lights and lighting impact the play? What time or day or season is it? How can you use lights to show this? How might lights change throughout the play or scenes? What sort of colors or shades might you use? Will certain character have certain lights? Please include examples of light, shade and/or color in your presentation.

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