Different types of interest groups

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Assignment

Your response to the question below should be at least 125 words long. 1. According to the text, what are the different types of interest groups? Which types of interest groups are the most susceptible to the free rider problem? Why? Your response to the question below should be at least 125 words long.

2. Most Western democracies have multiparty systems, with more than two major parties. Why does the U.S. differ from other countries in this way? Would we be better served by a proportional system of representation that involved three or more political parties? Your response to the question below should be at least 125 words long.

3. Describe the gradual expansion of suffrage in the United States (be sure to include the relevant constitutional amendments in your discussion).Your response to the question below should be at least 125 words long.

4. Describe how the Electoral College functions. How many votes exist? How are they distributed? How many do you need to win? What happens if no candidate receives enough electoral votes to win? What are some of the possible flaws with the process?

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