Term Papers–General Guidelines
There will be an 8-12 page research paper in this course.
- Diversity in the Workplace: Describe how you would recruit, interview, and train any future employees while improving the diversity as a hiring supervisor for a company.
Research Paper is worth 100 points.
Late Research Papers will be penalized at least 100 points.
The papers should be in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Refer to APA Manual 6th edition for all official information on APA style. Briefly, the research paper must be double-spaced and typed left justified on regular 8.5″ x 11″ paper with margins of 1″ (top, bottom, left, right). The paper should be typed in Times Roman 12 point font and should be a paper of the appropriate number of pages. The paper will have at least 4-6 references and should be written in the third person (i.e., limit the use the word “I” in your paper). References should be journal articles. Books or book chapters (including your text and all dictionaries) are NOT to be used as references since these are typically not as up to date as the previously mentioned articles. Additionally, personal interviews are not considered an acceptable reference. All papers must be typed in Word.
This is a professional paper and colloquialisms (e.g., “a lot of” vs. “many”; “bugged” vs. “upset”; “doesn’t have a clue” vs. “does not understand”; “all the time in the world” vs. “much time”) and contractions (e.g., they’ve, aren’t) should be avoided. Also avoid lengthy quotations. Your instructor does not want to read an entire paper of pure quotes. Part of your job is to read and interpret the references. Additionally, back up what you say with references/documentation. Do not say things like: “Males have worse attendance records than females” without a reference to back it up. I am from Missouri when it comes to term papers–so show me! Say instead, “Blanton (2004) reported that males have worse attendance than females.” Be sure that you cite the references in the body of the paper and then list the references in alphabetical order on the References page of your paper. Significant grade reductions will occur for poor punctuation, grammar, or spelling, or for insufficient references, or for incoherent/awkward or run-on sentences. Papers less than the appropriate words will be significantly penalized. Significant grade increases will be given for particularly creative and well written papers.
Please make your paper readable. The average college student should be able to read and understand your paper. A good test is to find a college student without an extensive background in business and have them read it. Refer to the material on the web page for course-related information to see examples of satisfactory and unsatisfactory writing methods.
E-mail a copy of paper to instructor. Please retain a disk copy of your paper in the event your paper is misplaced or lost. Send materials on time. Your paper should include at least one reference from those journals listed in the table below:
Academy of Management Executive | Journal of Labor Economics |
Academy of Management Journal | Journal of Labor Research |
Academy of Management Review | Journal of Management |
Administration and Society | Journal of Management Education |
Administrative Science Quarterly | Journal of Management Studies |
American Psychologist | Journal of Occupational Behavior |
Arbitration Journal | Journal of Organizational Behavior Management |
Business and Public Affairs | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Business Horizons | Journal of Vocational Behavior |
California Management Review | Labor Law Journal |
Columbia Journal of World Business | Monthly Labor Review |
Compensation and Benefits Review | Negotiation Journal |
Group and Organization Management | Occupational psychology |
Harvard Business Review | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes |
HR Magazine | Organizational Dynamics |
Human Relations | Personnel Journal |
Human Resources Planning | Personnel Psychology |
Industrial Labor Relations Review | Psychological Bulletin |
Industrial Relations | Public Administration Quarterly |
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | Public Personnel Management |
Journal of Applied Psychology | Review of Business and Economic Research |
Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship | Review of Small Business Management |
Journal of Business Research | SAM Advanced Management Journal |
Journal of Conflict Resolution | Sloan Management Review |
Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector | Social Forces |
Journal of Human Resources | Training and Development |