Drama Analysis

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Assignment

Drama Analysis By the due date assigned, submit your analytical essay as a Microsoft Word attachment. Your instructor will assign a play for the class to read and will post the information as a Week 3 Announcement (i.e., The Glass Menagerie, A Doll’s House, or Trifles).


Select one of the topics from the list below.  Use the questions to develop a short essay of at least three paragraphs and 500 words. In your response, be sure that you have the following: an introductory paragraph with a clear thesis, at least one body paragraph with supporting reasons, examples, and quotations from the play, and a concluding paragraph. Use APA style for formatting the paper and for in-text citations and end references.

Topics (Choose either Character, Symbol, or Theme)

Select one character from the play. What does he or she want? What is the conflict this character encounters? How does he or she attempt to get this desire? What prevents him or her from achieving it? What is the resolution by the end of the play for this character? Select one symbol from the play. What is the meaning or significance of the symbol? How is it used to further the story? How does it help the audience to better understand the characters or message of the play? Select one theme from the play. How would you describe the message that is conveyed? How is the theme expressed in the play? Give examples. How does the theme giving meaning to the drama for the audience?


Use APA style, and include a title page, running header, proper font and spacing, in-text citations, and a separate references page. Do not use any outside sources to complete this response; rely on your own insights. Quoted material from the play should not exceed 25% of the essay. You may exceed the minimum word and paragraph count.

This week, we will examine the elements of drama, including the following: speech, setting, plot, and character. With your classmates, you will read and discuss an assigned play, and in your final assignment of the week, you will write a literary analysis on the play.


The play we will be reading and discussing this week will be Trifles by Susan Glaspell.

In our weekly discussion, your response will focus on the setting and stage directions in that assigned play(this part is complete on the discussion the attachment has the discussion for week 3 and this part is already cover), and in our weekly essay, you will analyze the assigned play through the elements of character, symbol, or theme( please this is the instruction for week3 project) Since plays are meant to be performed and viewed by an audience, it is recommended that you not only read the script and stage directions but also locate an online performance to view the drama as it is brought to life on stage. Now, the curtain is going up.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

Apply critical reading, thinking, and writing skills to literary works such as fiction, drama, and poetry, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating their arguments, points of view, and multiple meanings. Express, illustrate, and defend claims about literary works in discussions and in analytical essays, using one’s own interpretation, textual evidence, and critical approaches, as appropriate. Demonstrate an understanding of the privacy, security, and ownership of information located through the use of correct APA documentation.

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