Economic inequality in the United States

by | May 27, 2021 | College (3-4), Economics, Research Paper

Paper topic: Rising economic inequality in the United States since the 1990’s
Paper length: 8 pages
Format: chicago style

There has been a consistent rise of inequality between economic classes within the past few decades. With an increase in wealth distribution between the top 1 and .01 percent and extremely low wealth distribution given to the lower class, there has been a rise in poverty as well as a tremendous lack of economic stability for a majority of United States citizens. This should come as a surprise due to the fact that the United states is one of the leading developed nations yet unfortunately, has one of the highest infant mortality rates throughout the world. 

Politicians such as Bernie Sanders and others are the front runners for progressing towards a more equally distributed economy where every citizen is given the same opportunity whether it be topics related to healthcare, education, politics, or housing/living. 

Minor goals:
-Discuss what are causing these economic inequalities and why they are reoccurring. 
-Discuss Bernie Sanders as well as other politicians who are taking strides in making economic changes and what they are doing to make those changes happen. 
-Discuss the concept of rents and how they impact the economy regarding political decision making
-Discuss major problems within big businesses and wealthier classes and why the economic gap between the top 1% and lower wealth classes has increased.

# of sources: minimum of 10
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