Effective verbal and nonverbal communication

by | Oct 10, 2021 | Assignment

InstructionsIn our work and personal lives, we need to be able to identify and analyze effective verbal and nonverbal communication in various situations. In the same way that you would analyze a work or personal life communication situation, you will be asked to create a short presentation (using media choices below) about the nonverbal communication demonstrated in a series of photographs. In addition to identifying aspects of nonverbal communication, you will also need to show how these elements can affect communication both positive and negatively. Include your observations of how nonverbal elements that you see alter the direction of communication.Select four of included photographs. Using either PowerPoint or Prezi, create a presentation that demonstrates your comprehension regarding these communication elements: Please include the following: A title slide including your name. Four slides that explain aspects of the nonverbal communication that you see depicted in the photographs. Be sure to include the photograph on the slide. Be as specific and detailed as possible in your description of body language, facial expression, physical distance (if applicable), gesture, and other aspects of nonverbal communication that you see. Using Screencast-o-matic (screencast-o-matic.com) or similar software, create a short video presentation of your PowerPoint or Prezi. Explain in detail the nonverbal elements of communication that you observe in each of the four photographs you have selected. Video should be between four and seven minutes long. This video should either be of the presentation itself or a hybrid video that includes both the presentation and an inset webcam video. Upload your video to screencast-o-matic, YouTube, or similar online video sharing site and provide a link to your video. Include your PowerPoint or Prezi with your submission.

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