Employees Workstation Upgrade

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Computer Science

EBM680 – Task 3

Task 1:

1. Based on the Project you selected for (EBM Task 1 — Employees Workstation Upgrade), please do the following:

a. Complete a stakeholder register. Who are your stakeholders? Make a list of at least 5 stakeholders and what their role is in the project. Document their information needs. A good example is in Schwalbe, page 97.

1.1 Develop a project schedule using an appropriate template in MS Project (please use MS Project)

· Things to include:

· Auto scheduling

· Resource names (make them up!)

· Dependencies

· Logical construction

1.2 Perform and stakeholder analysis for the key stakeholders for your project from your stakeholder register from Task 3.  Include at least 5 stakeholders.


Stakeholder Register for Project Name

Prepared by: Date:

NamePositionInternal/ExternalProject RoleContact Information

Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

Stakeholder NameContact PersonPhone, Email, Website, AddressImpactHow much does the project impact them? (Low, Medium, High)InfluenceHow much influence do they have over the project? (Low, Medium, High)What is important to the stakeholder?How could the stakeholder contribute to the project?How could the stakeholder block the project?Strategy for engaging the stakeholder
EXAMPLENurses & Midwives UnionCarlos Davida cdavida@nu.org 0998 765 287HighHighMaintaining working conditions for nursesAgree for union members to implement the new reformsGoing on strikeMonthly round-table discussions
Patient Advocacy GroupViki Chan vchan@pag.org 888 587 101HighMediumMaximising quality of care for patientsCommunicate with other stakeholders to express their support for reformsMaking complaints about quality of service after the reportsInformation and feedback meetings every 6 months
Sunday Times NewspaperJane Smith jsmith@stn.com 888 587 101LowHighGetting a good storyPrint stories that support the new reformsPrinting stories that oppose the new reformsQuarterly press meetings


Task 1Creates a stakeholder register modeled after Fig 3-12 on page 97 from the Schwalbe textbook (Introduction to Project Management, 6th Edition). Stakeholders include individuals or groups representing the project team, the sponsors/clients, and opposition. Expectation is to record 5-10 stakeholders. Information should include names, titles, roles on the project, and contact info.
Task 1.1Project ScheduleDevelops a clear, accurate project schedule for the project using MS Project 2013 that is clear and logical.· • The WBS is detailed, specific, and thorough for the project.· • Resources are assigned to tasks as appropriate.· • Predecessors are indicated to create dependencies.· • The schedule does not include a substantial amount of “hard coding” for dates.· Use of auto-scheduling is evident
Task 1.2: Stakeholder AnalysisCompletes the stakeholder analysis for the key stakeholders for the project and creates a stakeholder register using the required template. The analysis is thoughtful, supported, and resources are cited. The stakeholders from the register should be the subject of the analysis.

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