Essay on Globalization

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Assignment

The assigned chapter is chapter 6 from  GLOBALIZATION A Very Short Introduction Overview:Students will:Choose a concept from your assigned chapter

Step 1: Choose and summarize your concept

Step 2: Conduct research You must locate two credible sources outside of your textbook. One of your credible sources will agree with the perspective offered by the author of your textbook. The other credible source will disagree with the perspective offered by the author of your textbook.

Step 3: Annotated Bibliography

Your bibliography will include only 3 entries: Your textbook, Credible source that agrees, Credible source that disagrees

Include the information below, and structure accordingly: Name of author(s); date published; title of work; organization that published the work

Type of source (e.g., academic article, book, government or organizational report, etc.)Bibliographic annotation (100-150 words, required for all 3 sources).

Step 4: Thesis Statement

Step 5: Organize your prewriting assignment and submit

Organize your prewriting assignment as laid out above.

Include your name, course title and section, and the date at the top

Clearly label each section for easy identification

Remember that this prewriting assignment is not an essay, and should not be organized as such

Submit your prewriting assignment

Minimum 450 words You must use and cite three sources your textbook, a credible agreeing source, and a credible disagreeing source and your own perspective.

You must use APA format  your references, and you must cite your sources appropriately.

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