LAB DAY 1: Exercise 29 Blood

by | Sep 21, 2021 | Bio

  1. Generally, what is the average lifespan of a red blood cell?
  2. Rank the following white blood cells in terms of abundance, and describe the general characteristics
    and functions of the formed elements listed:
  • Erythrocyte
  • Eosinophil
  • Basophil
  • Monocyte
  • Neutrophil
  • Lymphocyte
  • Platelets
  1. Define anemia.
  2. What tests were done that could identify anemia?
  3. Define Leukocytosis and Leukopenia.
  4. What is the rationale for conducting a differential white blood cell count? Describe two conditions
    that would be identified by this method.
  5. What is polycythemia?
  6. What is erythropoietin? From where is it released, and when? What does it do?
  7. Why do many kidney failure patients suffer from anemia and how might they be treated?
  8. What would a permanent move to a high altitude area do to your RBC count? Describe the mechanism.
  9. If your blood clumped with both anti-A serum and anti-B serum, your ABO blood type would
  • To what ABO blood groups could you give blood?
  • From which ABO donor types could you receive blood?
  1. What ABO blood type is considered the universal donor? Why?
  2. What is hemolytic disease of the new born (HDN)? What is the Rh factor of the mother? The father,
    and therefore the fetus?
  3. Why does the Rh-negative mother not have a reaction and produce antibodies during the first pregnancy,
    yet during subsequent pregnancies, she does have anti-Rh antibodies that attack the Rh + fetal
    red blood cells? How is the condition prevented, and how does it work?

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