Final Career Research Portfolio

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Homework Help | 0 comments

Final Career Research Portfolio Instructions:
Directions: Use this outline to create your Career Research Report. Your Career Research Report will come from your research (include data, quotes and statistics).

Create a well-written essay, MLA format (five paragraphs) (see the template in syllabus and other important documents), on the following researched topic (your career).

Remember, paragraphs are at least 6 sentences each- this includes your introductions and conclusion. Remember to research your career and provide statistics and data.

One in text citation per paragraph-this includes your introduction and conclusion.
SafeAssign score must be at 20% (Or green/blue) or below to be accepted
**No first person in this essay (use of I or we).
The written information should answer the indicated questions; however, you must create paragraphs to explain your topics. Do more than answer the questions. Your report must reflect the information you researched.
1000 words.
Include a works cited page (MLA) consisting of at least 4 different sources.
Do not forget your thesis statement!
Career Research Outline
Job Title / Field
Paragraph I. Introduction with thesis statement (last sentence in introduction).

1. Hook

  1. Background on career choice: when did your career begin?
  2. Why do people need this service?
  • Thesis with the three bolded topics in the following paragraphs
    Paragraph II. Educational Requirements and Required Skills (provide data and statistics)

Paragraph II. Educational Requirements and Required Skills (provide data and statistics) A. Does this career require a college or technical degree?
B. How many years/months of school?
C. What skills do the career require?
D. Do you have to have these skills in order to have this career?

Paragraph III. Job Duties & Job Drawbacks (provide data and statistics)

A. What is the job description?
B. What hours/days are required to work?
C. Is this a career that can be found in any city?
D. Is this work done inside or outdoors?
C. What are the benefits of this career?
D. What are some things that may not be so great about the career?

Paragraph IV. Salary (provide data and statistics)

A. What is the annual salary or hourly rate? B. Does it stay the same or increase annually? C. What is the least you could make? Most? D. Does education make a difference in salary? E. Can you live on this salary?

Paragraph V. Conclusion

1. Tie everything together 2. Restate your thesis 3. No new information is added

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