Flow of funds

by | Jan 7, 2022 | Assignment

Assignment: Explain the flow of funds within an organization including private pay and third-party reimbursement. Assignment Description: This assignment will be at least 1000 – 1250 words or more This week you will reflect upon accountability in healthcare to answer the following questions:

How can you prevent abuses and inefficiencies in third party payments? Briefly define the flow of funds in the Care Organization.

What challenges do consumers face who are enrolled in private insurance?

What methods can you use to empower the consumer?

References: Two scholarly references are required; you should include the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions

Nickitas, D. M., Middaugh, D. J., & Aries, N. (2016). Policy and politics for nurses and other health professions (2nd ed.): Advocacy and action. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Chapters 12 & 13 (43 pages)Katz, M. (2014).  As needed for research.

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