Form in Poetry

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Assignment

GET ANSWER – Craft elements refer to the building blocks of fiction/poetry. They include things like plot, character, point of view, imagery, rhyme, rhythm, meter, etc. Craft elements are the tools that writers use to build works of fiction/poetry, just as other types of artists use paint, clay, wood, metal, concrete, and even digital media to build creations for the sake of art, communication, or business. Creators use the tools of their craft to guide their audiences to focus on what’s most important in their creations. So, as readers of fiction/poetry, it’s worthwhile to ask how authors construct their creative work, and why they make their craft-related choices. And as creators ourselves, it’s crucial to consider how we can/should use the craft tools we have to construct our fiction/poetry

.In this activity, we’ll look at how poets use form.

WHAT TO DOFIRST, read the “cummings-herbert” and “Form in Poetry” documents linked at the bottom of this page. SECOND, post a message to the Form in Poetry forum that addresses the following: Look at either of the two e.e. cummings poems, and make as many observations as you can about possible connections between the poem’s FORM and it’s SUBJECT. Dig deep, and try to push beyond superficial observations that equate to “the poem looks like what it is,” and try to connect the poem’s use of line and space with its deeper, possibly thematic subject.

This is a tough challenge–that’s why they’re called “challenges.” Don’t be discouraged; just try, and don’t give up too quickly. I’m not looking for right answers, I’m looking for your ability to think creatively, to be curious, and to keep trying. THIRD: Post AT LEAST ONE response to a classmates’ original message (you’re strongly encouraged to respond to lots of classmates’ posts). For your response, don’t simply agree with the original poster’s thoughts, or say “I never thought of it that way.” Add to the original poster’s observations, and then share what new insights or meanings your dual observations generate. 


Post your original message no later than 2/27. Post at least one response to a classmate’s original message no later than 3/2.Grading criteria are in the Discussion Participation Guide.

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