Generate test cases

by | May 13, 2022 | Homework Help

8.3 Written Assignment – Textbook Exercises (25 Points)

For this assignment you must generate test cases from the system requirements you derived for assignment 5.2.
These test cases are to be performed by a trained tester on the development team, so you can assume the person will be familiar with the application and any specialized tools or data required for the tests.

Each system requirement may yield one or more test case. Your assignment is to produce 10 tests cases. Here is the format required for this assignment.

Requirement : #1 derived from User Story #1
The system shall provide a link that displays the Professor’s name, email address, phone number, and office hours as provided by the professor.

Test #1:

  1. Find the link for the Professor’s name. Click that link.
  2. Review the displayed information. Confirm that it contains email address, phone number, and office hours.
  3. Compare the data from step 2 with the information provided by the Professor. It should match.

Test #2:

  1. Review the displayed information. Confirm that if the professor didn’t provide a phone number that a phone number is not displayed and that no errors are produced.
  2. Confirm that if no office hours are provided then they are not displayed and no error is produced.

You may modify the system requirements for assignment 5.2 as needed to help you produce the test cases. You may produce as many test cases from a single requirement as you can justify.
You must produce 10 test cases. Please number the test cases.

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