Google’s firing of Damore

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Assignment

Case Study 1: Please find the below link for case study and answer all the questions with APA format and references

Discussion Questions 

1: Legally, Google’s firing of Damore may or may not be problematic, but is Google’s firing of Damore ethical?

2: Would you have made the same decision if you were Pichai?

3: Is it ethical for an organization to fire someone who expresses beliefs that don’t align with the overall culture?

4: Do efforts towards a more diverse work culture stifle employees from speaking out? What can leaders do to avert this potential outcome?

Case Study 2: Please find the below link for case study and answer all the questions with APA format and references

General Discussion Questions:

1: What should business leaders take away from this scandal?

2: What could Wells Fargo have done differently to avert this cultural meltdown?

3: Practice of Ethical Leadership Questions:

4:Modeling Character and Values: What values did Stumpf model to Wells Fargo employees?  What impact might that have on the culture of Wells Fargo?

5: Encouraging Ethical Conduct: What behaviors can leaders model in order to encourage ethical behavior in their organization?

6: Designing Ethical Systems: Wells Fargo did have some systems in place, like the ethics hotline, to report unethical behavior, but it didn’t work. 

7: Why do you think that is? What steps can leaders take to design systems that encourage ethical behavior rather than unethical behavior?

Case study 3: Please find the below link for case study and answer all the questions with APA format and references


1: Did Corzine act appropriately? How would you characterize his behavior legally, ethically, and managerially? What other choices did he have?

2: Did Ms. O’Brien behave appropriately? Realistically, what other choices did she have?

3: Should the actions of either Corzine or O’Brien (or both or neither) be considered criminally negligent? Unethical? Bad judgment? Other?

4: What role should (or might have) the firm’s Ethics and Compliance Officer played in this drama?

Case Study 4: Please find the below link for case study and answer all the questions with APA format and references

Discussion Questions:

1: Describe, specifically, the ethical dilemma that Peter faced.

2: What are virtues Peter needed to act as he did? What do you think motivated him?

3: What were the risks Peter faced in making this decision?4:What factors do you think assist people in making moral decisions in the face of a great deal of pressure?

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