Graphing Data

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

Graphing Data Set AName:TA Name/Lab Section:Pi (m) is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The value of this ratio isconstant regardless of the size of the circle; thus pi is a universal physical constant. Thediameter and circumference of several circles were measured by CHEM 1114 students,each using a different ruler. (Include units below if applicable. If necessary, use aseparate sheet of paper for 6c and 7c.)1. Inspect the data below and calculate the value of pi using two pairs of the data:2.Prepare a hand-drawn plot of the two variables on the reverse side of this worksheet. Include a title, axislabels (with units), and a trendline.Estimate the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 4.50 cm:Estimate the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 3.94 inches:. a. Prepare a plot using graphing software. Include a title, axis labels (with units), the equation of the best-fitline and the RX value on the graph.b. Re-write the equation of the best-fit line substituting “Diameter” for x and “Circumference” for y directlyon the graph.c. Attach the fully labeled graph to this worksheet.4. What is the value of pl based on the equation for the best-fit line?5. Determine the percent error using the definition of percent error:Use a value of 3.142 for the actual value of pi.% error =Actual-ExperimentalActualx 100* Error =5. Using your computer-generated graph,visually estimate the circumference of a circle when the diameter is 4.50 cm:b.calculate the circumference ford – 4.50 om using the equation of the best fit line:Usethe graph to ensure that this value is the calculated circumference to the two visually interpolated values (Steps 2 and 6a). Brieflydiscuss any discrepancies.7, Using your computer-generated graph,visually estimate the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 3.94 inches:b.calculate the diameter using the equation of the line:Use the graph to ensure that thisvalue is the calculated diameter to the two visually interpolated values (Steps 2 and 7a). Briefly discussany discrepancies.Data:Diameter (x)Circumference (y)1.38 cm4.08 cm3.80 cm1.70 in1.56 in12.5 cm2.06 in6.43 in7.28 cm8.57 in

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