Historical figure

by | Feb 27, 2023 | History, Homework Help | 0 comments

GET ANSWER – Instructions Students will choose a historical figure from the list at the link below. Locate your historical figure for your presentation subject below (or e-mail me with another choice.)

Link for historical figures: https://www.biographyonline.net/people/america/famous-americans.htmlLinks to an external site.

After a preliminary scan of biographical information on each of the three historical figures “drawn” for you, decide which ONE of these three historical figures will become the focus of your required report and presentation.

Complete an online presentation of no more than two PowerPoint or Google slides (or similar program), including basic biographical information such as time of life and country or culture of origin, as well as the historical figure’s cultural, artistic, and/or historical contributions and their significance.

The best presentations will offer a mix of written information and visuals; any source material should be documented in MLA style directly on the slide/page. No title slide should be used. This presentation is short in order to force you to make good critical choices in selecting material, and practical so that the class has a chance to read and appreciate everyone’s presentations on the discussion forum.

The presentation should be much more than a factual copy/paste from a source like Wikipedia or Biography.com. To reiterate, you are being asked to not only draw from the facts of the historical figure’s life, you are being asked to offer at least an introductory analysis of their historical or cultural significance.

While no minimum number of sources is required, any sources you use, either through direct quotation or by paraphrase, including images, must be fully documented

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