Java program: AnimalInfo

by | Jan 7, 2022 | Assignment

Create a new project in your IDE named “AnimalInfo.” Create a class called “AnimalInfo” as the main class for the program. Create a class called “Animal” with a virtual method displayInfo(). Create 3 classes inherited from Animal (one for each of your animals). Each of the inherited classes should override Animal.displayInfo() to display information about the animal. The information should just be a short description of the animal displayed to the screen. In the AnimalInfo.main() method, display a menu allowing the user to choose 1 of 3 animals or quit the program. The menu should accept input from the user and take the appropriate action and then repeat until the user selects the option to quit. Hint: Simple menus are easiest to implement if the user selects a letter or number for each menu item. When the user selects an animal, use the displayInfo() method of the appropriate class to display information about the selected animal. import java.util.Scanner; //”AnimalInfo” as the main class for the program. public class AnimalInfo { public static void main(String args) { /* * In dynamic method dispatch the object can…

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