Kingdon’s theory of agenda setting

by | Apr 1, 2021 | College (3-4), Public Relation

The paper must include :

Must cite at least 4 course readings (the Dye book counts as one source; chapters from Theodoulou and Cahn each count as one source apiece), 3 scholarly sources (books in Alexander Library, newspapers, or peer-reviewed journal articles), and 3 governmental documents (for example, congressional testimony from a hearing, presidential papers) in the paper. These sources must be HIGHLIGHTED in BOLD in your paper’s bibliography.

All papers must conform to the style sheet attached to this syllabus. APSA/APSR (American Political Science Review) citation style for in-text citations and bibliographies is required. To see this style, search for the journal American Political Science Review in the library journal database. Select the most recent issue and study how to do in-text citations and bibliographies from any included article. In-text citations instead of footnotes are required in this class; all in-text citations must be included in the bibliography; there should be no sources in the bibliography that are not included as in-text citations

This long, final paper should apply Kingdon’s theory of agenda setting to a federal law recently passed in the United States (passed within the past 15 years). Papers must focus on how Kingdon’s model applies to the passage of the law that you have selected. That is, what the problem? What solutions were considered? Who were the policy entrepreneurs? What was the window of opportunity that enabled the law to be passed? 

The structure of the paper must be as follows:
Section 1: Introductory Paragraph with Thesis Statement and Second Paragraph–Roadmap of Paper
Section 2: Description of Kingdon’s Agenda Setting Model (Theory only here)
Section 3: Application of Kingdon’s Model to your Law
Section 4: Conclusions

Papers must not include more than TWO quotations. 

If you want to cite readings from the Theodoulou and Cahn book in your paper, format them as chapters in an edited volume in your bibliography using their original dates of publication in brackets (found at the bottom/top of the first page of the reading). Example:

Kingdon, John. [2003] 2013. “Why Some Issues Rise and Others are Negated.” In Public Policy: The Essential Readings, eds. Stella Z. Theodoulou and Matthew A. Cahn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 157-163.


Public Law No: 110-400

The KIDS Act of 2008 requires convicted sex offenders to provide certain information to sex offender registries. Its purpose is to help social networking sites and other internet providers, as well as law enforcement, to identify sex offenders surfing the web. This Act requires sex offenders to update their registration information and add their email addresses, instant messaging addresses, and any other internet identities they may have. 

-Section 2: no reference to your law at all. Just describe kingdon’s theory, that is it.
-Section 3: this is where you apply your law to Kindon’s theory.
-Last page of syllabus has writing requirements. 


– Everyone’s first two paragraphs should be similar in structure. 

  • First paragraph is the thesis: 
    • Tell her a little bit about the law chosen
    • Thesis: going to be using Kingdon’s theory John Kingdon’s theory of agenda setting best explains how this particular act became a law” **and site John Kingdon in thesis statement
  • Second paragraph is road map paragraph 

Tells how paper is going to proceed

  • Going to use section headings 
    • “the first section of this paper will describe John Kingdon’s theory of agenda setting
    • “The second section of this paper describe John Kingdon’s theory in relation to the law”
    • “the last section of this paper will conclude..”

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