Major League Baseball rules with other countries

by | Jan 29, 2021 | College (1-2), Essay

There will be two parts ……..interview 300 words and then separate essay proposals letter thats 500 min but both concerning Major League Baseball rules with other countries.. so interview and then proposal.

Interview summary/Synthesis 300 words or more

Summarize and Synthesize Your Interview

It will be about Major League Baseball and rules with other countries

When you summarize and synthesize, you take the smaller pieces (the sections of the interview) and develop them into one cohesive piece. Doing this exercise will help you prepare for the research proposal letter, where you will need to incorporate at least a few ideas from the interview.

To successfully summarize and synthesize, you might find it helpful to follow this sequence for your essay:

1) Provide Background Information:
In your introductory paragraph, introduce your audience to your interviewee. What is his/her name? What is his/her experience? if relevant, where is the interviewee employed?

2) Summarize the Interview:
While you want to avoid the all-too-predictable question and answer format, you should provide information about what you learned from the interview. Take a look at your original questions, group them into categories, and use those categories to build your body paragraph(s). Also, you may note the interviewee’s reactions in your summary as well. Was the interviewee nervous about answering a question? Did he/she seem knowledgeable in the subject matter? Make this summary work for you by including whatever details and responses you feel are important and will help you when you write the research proposal.

3) Synthesize the Interview:
In the conclusion, synthesize the interview. To synthesize just means that you should consider all of the information you gathered from this interview and draw conclusions. What did you learn from the interview? How did the interviewee and/or the interview help you gain a deeper understanding of your topic? Other findings?

No source citations are required for this assignment, but please review the rubric to get a better idea of how you will be assessed.

Research Proposal 500-600 words and in letter form and goes with upper half… about Major League Baseball rules with other countries.

This research proposal letter will be directed to an audience who can create change (Congressperson, business administrators, or other similar audience.) In the proposal, you need to suggest a change or a solution to a current problem. As you have already chosen a topic for your research proposal letter in Topic 6 and conducted an interview that will become one of your sources for this letter, you do not need to choose a topic. You must use the same topic that you began researching in Topic 6, and you must use your interview as a source.
Your research proposal should be presented in a letter format including the following information:
• Your mailing address (Note: For privacy reasons, you may opt to not disclose your mailing address when you submit your letter to our graders for review; however, should you choose to mail your letter to your chosen recipient, you will need to include your mailing address, as this is a customary business letter practice.) Note that a formal letter does not require your name in the header. Your name will go at the end, with your closing.
• The date you wrote the letter
• A name and mailing address for the individual to whom you are writing the letter
• A greeting or salutation
• A closing and your typed name (Note: A written signature is optional for your
submission, but should you choose to send your letter, you would need to include your written signature between the closing and your typed name.)
Scroll to the end of these instructions for an idea of how you should format this assignment.
To organize this information, follow the format included in the course site in the “Assignments” area.
For your proposal, follow this organizational framework:
For your researched proposal, follow this organizational framework:
• Introduction: The Problem
Identify the problem, including researched information to explain it fully. You may devote more than one paragraph to describe the problem if needed.

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