Measurement proposal

by | Jan 8, 2022 | Assignment

In Module 3, you proposed measurements for your research project. In this module, we discuss the final piece in the measurement puzzle. Using the feedback from your instructor on your M3A1 paper module and your understanding of survey research, write up a proposal of your final measurements and submit the proposal to the instructor.  Begin the paper with a clear statement of your research question and experimental hypothesis.  In the next paragraph of the paper, identify and describe the independent variables which you will either manipulate or monitor, and explain how you will manipulate and/or monitor the independent variables and what impact you believe the independent variables will have on the dependent variables in your study. 

Finally, use previous research studies to explain why you think you have chosen appropriate independent variables for your study. 

Next, in a new paragraph, identify and describe the dependent variables which you will measure and use previous research studies to explain why you believe you have chosen effective dependent variables.  Remember, most measurements are based on previous measurements, so use your EC Library resources to find out what other researchers have done in the past.

Please submit your final proposals to the instructor by the end of this module

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