Media Reaction – Human Trafficking

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

Media Reaction Paper. Find a news segment or article that has something to do with human trafficking and write a reaction paper about it. It can be about any form of trafficking we have discussed in class (i.e., labor, sex or organ trafficking, domestic servitude, child soldiers, debt bondage, child brides). If you have a topic or media source you are unsure if it falls into this criteria ASK ME FIRST. If you use a news story it must have been published in the past year. The news story can be print, electronic or video news but must be from a legitimate News Source! If you are unsure – ask. 

You must address the following issues in your reaction paper:

Briefly summarize the news story (approx. 1 paragraph, no more than 1 page).Discuss how the story relates to a topic (or topics) discussed in class.

Incorporate references to relevant articles where appropriate. In other words, discuss how the stories reflect themes in the readings (and cite the readings in APA style).How does the story support what we have discussed in class?

How does the story differ from what we have discussed in class?

How are victims reflected in the story (e.g., as manipulative, helpless, or as derogatory “hoes” or prostitutes, etc)?

How does the story wrongly (or correctly) portray what you have learned about trafficking victims or perpetrators?Any other reflections you want to include.

Format of Reaction Paper

APA formatting for in-text citations and in your references.

Length: Minimum 2 full pages, maximum 4 full pages (not including references)Font: Times New Roman, 12-pointParagraphs: Double-spaced, with no extra spacing between paragraphs

Margins: 1″ throughout

Headers: No need to put your name, class, or assignment at top of paper as this is all redundant when you turn it in on Canvas (I see all that info where you turn it in). So do NOT use a header or waste space this way

You will lose points for not following these simple formatting instructions.

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