Modern Education

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Education, Homework Help

Instructions: please refer to the Modern Education attach document for help with this assignment.

For this assignment, you will:

1) Identify a research area of interest (within education).

2) Use online resources (i.e., the University of Ottawa library’s online databases) and conduct a search of fairly recent research (last 10 years) relevant to the topic of interest using.

3) Select five research articles that seem particularly relevant to the topic area. The articles need to be peer-reviewed, primary sources and be empirical (so the article focuses on a study that was conducted, where qualitative or quantitative data was collected and analyzed). Review articles, meta-analyses, opinion pieces, theory critiques etc. are not allowable for this assignment. The goal is to have you read studies and draw your own conclusions rather than relying on the analyses and conclusions of others.

4) Identify the research questions, methods, and key findings for each study.

5) Compare the key components of each study to reach conclusions on how this research topic can be investigated. See “chart” posted on Brightspace.

6) Prepare a written text (5 pages maximum non including references, *1.5 line spacing for this assignment) that includes brief summaries of the five articles. For each source, include a brief (2-3 sentences) critique of the article. Resources for critiquing an article will be provided in Brightspace. Be sure to include the research area/question as well as a brief conclusion. You are welcome to use a range of formats for this summary (narrative/paragraph format, annotated references, etc.) as long as you provide enough detail for me to get a sense of the study (purpose, participants, methods, findings, conclusions). Provide a summarizing conclusion paragraph to synthesize the research.

7) Create a list of references using the American Psychological Association Style Guide format (APA Style)

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