Should Overweight people give up medication and go on a plant-based diet?

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Argumentative Essay, College (1-2)

Should Overweight people give up medication and go on a plant-based diet? Why or why not? In other words, is medication the answer to health & weight problems or is eliminating toxic food from the body the answer? Can’t choose both.

-MLA format, including the heading, page numbers, margins, spacing, in-text citations, and Works Cited page. Use Times New Roman 12-point font.
– A creative Title
-Introductory paragraph
– Argument paragraphs (3)
– Counterargument paragraph (1) – address the opposing views. What problems might others see in your proposal? Address those and explain why your solution is the best solution to the problem.
– Conclusion paragraph- summarize main points of essay and give your audience something to do.

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