Position paper as a practitioner

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Homework Help, Social Work and Human Services | 0 comments

What: For this assignment, select a contemporary issue for which you will develop a position. Take note that contemporary issues are complex as such it would behoove you to narrow your topic within your identified issue to something manageable. In your paper, you will need to articulate your position as a practitioner (i.e., clinical social worker, administrator, program developer, etc.) on the issue of your choosing. You should articulate background on the issue, your position, and counter positions.

This infographic will be completed in individually. Each learner is to create an infographic related to the topic selected for your position paper.

Infographic expectations:

  • Reflect on the topic selected, your practice as a social worker, the course materials, and/or current events related to the topic. Remember that the selected topic should be specifically related to your position paper.
  • Why is this issue/topic important, why should people care?
    • What are the implications across the spectrum of practice (i.e., micro-mezzo-macro-meta)
    • Where can your audience go to learn more about your topic and/or get involved (i.e., what’s the takeaway)?

Your target audience for the Infographic is the general public. The goal is to educate the public about the multi-layer effect of the topic/issue from the lens of your practice.

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