Race relations in Brazil

by | Oct 10, 2021 | Assignment

Assignment 1Race in Brazil-Watch this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh7c46U5hhYWhat do you think about the state of race relations in Brazil?Is race in Brazil as much of an issue as it is in America? Why or why not?In what ways is race in Brazil different from how race is viewed in America?In what ways is it the same?Assignment should be 3 paragraphs Assignment 2Religion-Research one of the major religionsWrite briefly about the religion. What are it’s origins? What are its major beliefs?What are the values that have been established in the religion?What are some of its major religious rituals or rites of passage? Is this religion a small world religion or a large world religion?What are some of the major appeals that might draw people to this religion?Assignment should be 3 paragraphs

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