Reflect on your learning

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

Review this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs: Choose a topic from this week’s course materials, and summarize what you learned about the topic. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why. Discuss a key knowledge, skill, or ability you gained from your learning this week. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life. Describe 2 to 3 ideas, topics, or concepts from this week’s course materials for which you would like to learn more, and why. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.Students need to contribute two substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.

Aligned with discussion (3)2.12.1 Summarize when a business should use metrics to measure strategic initiatives to achieve success.

Goal Set & Category CMGT_556 Course Objective2.22.2 Plan an IT metrics effectiveness and efficiency strategy for an organization.

Goal Set & Category CMGT_556 Course Objective2.32.3 Discuss the impact the evolution of data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge has on organizations.

Goal Set & Category CMGT_556 Course Objective PEER 1 Business process is a set of activities and or tasks when completed will be in a position to realize the goals of the organization. For business process to remain valid there is the need for involvement of the multiple defined input but a single output. The three most important types of business processes include management processes, operational processes and at the same time, supporting operations. All the operations are capitalized mutually to realize the goals of the organization. In its definition, it begins with mission objectives and is concluded with the achievement of the specific objectives. Therefore, in simpler words, the business process is the set of activities needed to accomplish a common goal in an organization.

PEER 2“ Metrics are measurements that evaluate results to determine whether a project is meeting its goals. Two core metrics are critical success factors and key performance indicators. Critical success factors (CSFs) are the crucial steps companies perform to achieve their goals and objectives and implement their strategies (see Figure 4.2). Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the quantifiable metrics a company uses to evaluate progress toward critical success factors. KPIs are far more specific than CSFs.” (Baltzan, 2018, ).

Before reading these chapter, I didn’t realize all the ways we have at our disposal to evaluate different operating procedures. Some of these methods are pretty simply practices to improve effectiveness. Being able to go through a simple method of running through each step and seeing if you need it or can improve it, helps to shave down a ton of unneeded or ineffective actions.

Reference: ´Baltzan, P. (2018). Business Driven Technology (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

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