Refusing an Invitation

by | Jul 22, 2021 | Assignment, Homework

Refusing an Invitation: Can’t Speak to College Business Group As Nelson R. Raymond, partner in the firm of Powell, Raymond, and Robbins Professional Accountancy, you must refuse an invitation. Sherry A. Lopez, the daughter of one of your best clients, has asked you to address a campus organization. She is president of Alpha Gamma Sigma, a student business honorary on the campus of Miami-Dade College. She wrote to you asking that you speak at a meeting May 17 on the topic of careers in public accounting. You are very pleased to learn that Sherry is studying business administration and that she is taking a leadership role in this organization. You are also flattered that she thought of you.

However, you must refuse because you will be attending a seminar in Lake Worth, at which you will represent your accountancy organization. This seminar will focus on recent changes in tax laws as they relate to corporations. Your organization handles many corporate clients; therefore, it is something you don’t feel that you can miss.

You start to write Sherry a letter saying that you can’t make it when you remember that your local CPA organization has a list of speakers. These accountants are prepared to make presentations on various topics, and you have a list of those topics somewhere. When you find the list, you discover that Paul Rosenberg, a Miami CPA with 14 years of experience, is the expert on careers in accountancy and preparation for the CPA examination. You can’t decide whether to call him and ask him to speak to Alpha Gamma Sigma on May 17 or leave that decision up to Sherry. Perhaps Sherry would prefer to find another speaker herself.

Assignment: Needed by April 10th

Decide what to do and write a refusal to Sherry A. Lopez, President, Alpha Gamma Sigma, 1150 Del Ray Avenue, Miami, FL 33178. Assume you are using company letterhead. Use block style and start the date 2 inches from the top.

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