Research project on a world culture

by | Jan 22, 2021 | College (1-2), Research Paper

For this research project, you need to pick a world culture and then research that culture in terms of its beliefs (and folklore). For this paper you need to know when and where they lived, but that should not be the focus of your paper. Where and when they lived doesn’t talk about their beliefs, although it influenced them. You want to make sure and discuss things like their myths (how they believed they were created), any of their arts or crafts, folk medicine beliefs, proverbs, etc.
In a short paper, 6-8 double-spaced pages, you will not be able to talk about all those things, but you should be able to talk about at least two.

Now, be careful not to plagiarize (copy or use information without giving credit to your sources) because that will earn you a zero for the assignment and quite possible and F for the course.

As to the cultures that you can pick from, most of you have already picked a culture from the list in the media library link, so you should have already been looking up things for the culture.

Formatting of the Paper

The paper should be at least 6-8 pages, double-spaced, in 12pt, Times New Roman. It should have a 1″ margin on all sides, and any sources that you use should be cited using MLA citation (However, if you are more comfortable using APA, you may use that one instead).

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