A3.1: Chapter 5, Problem 5.1, Count Math Courses Taken. Write a short narrative of your process, and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste Output 5.1 directly into your document and refer to it in your interpretation. A3.2: Chapter 5, Problem 5.2, Recode and Relabel Mothers and Fathers Education. Write a short narrative of your process, and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste the Statistics Table and Frequency Tables directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. A3.3: Chapter 5, Problem 5.3, Recode and Compute Pleasure Scale Score. Write a short narrative of your process, and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste Output 5.3a and Output 5.3b directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. A3.4: Chapter 5, Problem 5.4, Compute Parents Revised Education with the Mean Function. Write a short narrative of your process, and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste Output 5.4 directly into your document and refer to it in your interpretation. A3.5: Chapter 5, Problem 5.5, Check for Errors and Normality for the New Variables. Write a short narrative of your process, and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste Output 5.5 directly into your document and refer to it in your interpretation. A3.6, Application Problem ? Managing Data. Using the college student data.sav file, do the following problems. Write a short narrative of your process and an interpretation of your findings. Cut and paste your outputs directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. a. Compute a new variable labeled average overall evaluation (aveEval) by computing the average score (evalinst + evalprog + evalphys + evalsoc)/4. b. Compute a similar variable (meanEval) using the Mean function. Compare with the aveEval score and discuss why they differ. c. Count the number and types of TV shows that each student watches. d. Recode the students current gpa into three categories: 1 = 1.00 ? 1.99, 2 = 2.00 ? 2.99, 3 = 3.00 ? 4.00. Produce a Frequency Table for the recoded values. NOTE PLEASE NEED IBM SPSS SOFTWARE FOR THE ASSIGNMENTS. THANKS
Short narrative of your process
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