Should marijuana be legalized

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Assignment

Write a Research Essay (Should marijuana be legalized) The topic is basically an answer to the following question: Should marijuana be legalized. But this does not mean it’s a straightforward yes or no argument. It might be, but there are many intermediary positions you might take one prominent example being , say, to keep recreational use illegal but legalize marijuana for medical applications. How you address the topic is up to you, but it must be an argument that in some way addresses the question posed by the topic.

Research Paper and Process: Students will produce a specific, unified, developed, organized, and coherent research paper of 1800-2400 words using at least EIGHT sources, both print and non-print. Students will show competency in a research paper process of choosing and narrowing topics, collecting sources from indexes, creating a working bibliography, taking notes from sources, using sources in proper MLA formats, and providing proper documentation for those sources. Sources must be credible and come from a variety of fields. You must include at least THREE SOURCES from scholarly periodicals. Other sources may include books, magazines, newspapers, websites, personal interviews, TV shows/documentaries etc.

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