Skills Assignment – Shaping Legislation

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Homework Help | 0 comments

Part I – Legislation and Regulation – Skills Assignment – Shaping Legislation

Fact Pattern
Assume that you work for an organization that is interested in expanding solar energy use nationwide.
Your organization is interested in promoting legislation that will create and increase subsidies to homeowners who install solar energy panels on their houses. However, it is uncertain how to proceed in promoting that legislation.


You are asked to write a brief, three-page memo (double-spaced) addressing the following questions:
What is the best forum in which to seek new legislation on this issue?
Would you recommend approaching the US Congress, state legislatures, or both? And why?
Briefly explain the legislative process, explaining the steps that a bill must go through to become law, and
emphasizing the points at which your organization may be able to intervene to shape the legislative process.
Finally, what strategies would you recommend pursuing to advance your organization’s preferred legislation?
These strategies may include, for example, information campaigns, attempts to sway the public (such as
advertising), and/or steps such as lobbying.


You need not do any outside reading to complete this exercise, but you may find this guide of legislation on
renewable energy useful ( .

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