Special Population Paper & Presentation

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Homework Help | 0 comments

Special Population Paper & Presentation (300 points)

You will choose a special population to research.

Students will select one diversity group (choose from the list below). This will consist of a detailed description of the characteristics of the population. Include any and all cultural histories, beliefs, values, demographics, and issues common to the group.

You will examine the scholarly literature related to counseling with your chosen social/cultural group and prepare a 15 minute presentation (including class discussion). Utilizing this information, please:

A: Include a brief history of the specific group (keep this specific to the United States)

B: After examining the counseling theory or theories that will work well with this population, explain how and why the theory/theories would be applicable to the group.
Cite specific references/studies that have used your chosen theory/theories with this group.

C: Write a brief (one paragraph) counseling scenario. Each scenario should include client demographic information (e.g., age, sex, ethnicity, relationship status, etc.), presenting issue, and relevant social, cultural, family or other history important for understanding the client(s) and the presenting issue(s)

D: Suggest specific ways you would counsel this population by including some techniques, interventions, activities that would demonstrate that you have an understanding of multicultural counseling.

E: Present a demonstration via any media format (commercial, magazine, newspaper, television show, internet, movie, etc.) where your population is portrayed in a positive or negative manner

F: Finally, examine the recent scholarly literature related to counseling with your chosen social/cultural group and prepare a “best practices” outline or bulleted summary (1-2 pages, including references) to distribute to class members.

G: Describe what you learned about the topic as well as about yourself from completing this activity. Include how you were impacted

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