Statement of Corporate Responsibility

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

Campbell Soup Company’s Statement of Corporate Responsibility is as follows: Campbell strives to promote global wellness and nutrition while building a sustainable environment and honoring our role in society from farm to the family.

Team C’s new product idea for Campbell Soup Company is to launch a new line of Organic Soups.  Our soup line will be made with all organic meats and vegetables and will be low in sodium, and be free of additives, synthetics, chemicals, pesticides and genetically engineered substances.

Over the past several years our country has made healthy lifestyles a topic of discussion and has invested heavily in programs that promote healthy eating. Our soup line will appeal to those consumers that aspire to eat healthier not only in the United States but across the globe. Our target audience will be Generation Y (ages 20 -35) and Generation Z (ages 0 – 23). According to an article in Medical Daily these groups have has been the hub of all these healthy eating initiatives and will be the growth drivers of this country’s eating patterns over the next five years, (Borelli, 2014)There are many companies that offer organic foods as a part of their product lines, but what will make our product unique is the packaging and the fact that our soups will not be canned. We will use fresh organic meats and vegetables which we will freeze and package in air tight plastic bags, eliminating the presence of Bisphenol A (BPA), which is a toxic chemical that can leach into foods from the lacquer lining of cans and hardened plastics. (Brennan, 2015)Communications Strategy Plans

Traditional Media: Television, radio, print

Internet: Search engine optimization (SEO) strategy: Google AdWord,  Online advertising: Banners, reciprocal links, Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram . . . Website

Direct Marketing: Post cards, Personalized mailings, Emails concerning special offers, Newsletters

Sales Promotion: Consumers: coupons, price-off, gift with purchase, contests, samples, mail sampling, Trade/Business: Training, allowances, incentives, trade shows,  Internet: New opportunities for contests and trial subscriptions

Public Relations (PR) Creating publicity; buzz, viral messages, Building media relations Corporate communication (issues management, community relations, government relations, industry relations)o   Building employee relations, Maintaining financial/investor relations, Crisis management, Image building PR deals with what is difficult to control; but a company can be prepared, PR amplifies the effects of other communications strategies

The tools of PR include:

  • Press releases 
  • Feature stories
  • Company newsletters
  • Press pack
  • Interviews and press conferences
  • Sponsored events

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