Human trafficking in NY from overseas

by | Mar 19, 2021 | College (3-4), Public Administration, Research Paper

Human Rights Term Paper
-Please choose a human rights-related topic that interests you, more importantly, I hope, has been challenging your unbiased intellect. Topics could cover nations, regions, locality or region, caste, clan, nationality and history. It could also cover issues of race, gender, age, national origin, intolerance, sexism as well as issues emanating from the constitutions of nations states (that treat its own population differently.)

-Your report should include background information of the subject matter, including maps, charts, and demographics, a good literature search (including papers, journals, webs and documents in print.) You should provide a historical background, what are the issues involved in your study, role of various interest groups, prognosis based on a pluralistic, tolerant, secular, modern-day world, your opinion and more. Your analysis must also incorporate views of the opponents and activists. At all cost you must avoid uncorroborated sweeping assumptions and statements.

-The paper should be 9-10 pages long, printed, double-spaced, using size 12 font, Times New Roman. it should include footnotes, reference or bibliography.
-Every source of information that is used in this paper MUST be cited. This means that there needs to be more citations than the minimum number.
-Must have a works cited page

For Topic

-What is the impact human trafficking has had on New York?
-Where is human trafficking strongest throughout the world?
-What is being done to stop this problem?
-How is human trafficking happening?

Use more details and don’t only focus on human trafficking in NY but where its coming from and how its started becoming a problem.

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