The style of language in Changez

by | Aug 22, 2021 | Assignment

Compose a 250 words essay on The style of language in Changez. Changez is deeply embroiled in thought and reflection on himself and his world here while on his way home. Initially, he feels saddened and shamed when he arrives home to find the place in shambles and in a squalid state. Later, he appreciates the grandeur of the place with its rich history because it is where his loved ones reside. Even so, he feels depressed on his way back, when he realizes that “college students and young professionals” are leaving the country, and robbing the society of the necessary expertise and manpower to help the country. The use of direct speech is prevalent throughout his reflection on his homecoming. The author presents readers with a direct account of Changez conversations with his brother, mother, and father. “There is an artillery battery dug in at the country house of a friend of mine, half an hour from here, and a colonel billeted in his spare bedroom,” he replied, “so things are not good” (Hamid, 2007). His brother responds to his query about the situation at home. Through direct speech, the reader experiences the actual feeling of the conditions at home from a third party who has an impartial viewpoint. The style of language is impeccable and augurs well with the author’s intended message. The author uses the word ‘Americanness’ to indicate the nature of American behavior, or something associated with Americans. “I recall the Americanness of my own gaze…” (Hamid, 2007).

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