Theory of Counseling

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Homework Help | 0 comments

Write a 5 to 7 page reflection paper on your theory of counseling. In our quest to create our own personal counseling style we often overlook one of the cornerstones of that endeavor: the counselor’s worldview. Therefore, it is imperative that you understand yourself and how you process ideas/concepts and how that relates to the counseling theory of your choice.

Personal Theory of Counseling Paper SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT

The purpose of this paper is to help you identify and explore a theory to help anchor your counseling. Think about the theories we have studied so far this semester and think about your personal beliefs, values, and assumptions (you may revisit your Personal Theory of Change Discussion Post for inspiration).

This paper should include:

A basic summary of your own perspectives (see questions above) related to the nature of people, the nature of problems and the nature of change.

A rationale connecting your own thoughts to a chosen existing theory

Describe this theory in detail including history, historical figures, foundational principles, counselor/client relationship, inclusion and multicultural/social justice considerations.
Identify 3 interventions associated with this theory and connect the interventions to the theoretical construct.

Complete your paper with identifying personal and pragmatic goals for applying this theory and your new learning.

The questions below are intended to stimulate your thinking. Do not be limited by these questions but do allow them to guide your thoughts and reflections when connecting with theories.

Which theory or theories most closely fit your view of human nature? Are people essentially born pure or born savage, and what role does socialization play?

How do the various theories fit with your personal values?

Which theory or theories provides the most accurate map of reality, as you perceive it? Which seems to most closely capture your worldview?

Which theory or theories most closely match your own belief about how change occurs in peoples’ lives?

Which is most important: changing emotion, cognition, or behavior?

What life experiences shaped the beliefs and values that lead you to prefer one theory to another? Which theory fits best with your personality and style of interaction?

Which theory most closely fits your view of development and history? How necessary is it to understand the past when trying to bring about change?

Do some theories fit better for work with children? Adolescents? Adults? Why?

Is there one theory that you feel captures “the truth”? Why?

Which theory or theories do you see as having the broadest cultural applicability?

How has your worldview shifted as a result of studying these theories?

What are the pros and cons of theoretical integration vs. theoretical purity?

What have you learned about yourself through your reaction to the theories?

As you consider the content of the various theories and through your own self-reflection, you will begin to formulate your own theoretical orientation. For now, choose to explore one theory in relationship to your own theoretical foundation. Write a 5 to 7 page paper (including your title page and references) detailing your own beliefs and thoughts and connecting them to one theory.

You will deeply explore this theory and your beliefs throughout your paper.

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