Unit 2 Assignment 2: Town Hall Presentation
This week you will be required to complete Assignment 2 and Assignment 3 to receive full credit.
Engaging with the public and other community leaders both before a disaster for planning purposes and in the aftermath of an incident to coordinate operations are essential skills. Having the ability to present facts both in a speaking forum with slides and in a written format are common requirements of disaster recovery professionals. This week you will create a presentation based on the following scenario:
One month ago an F5 tornado devastated the built infrastructure of your suburban community. There were 15 fatalities and dozens of injuries, some critical. Many of the key buildings in the community have been razed, and businesses have been struggling to remain operational. As the emergency manager, you are responsible for presenting a plan to the community at a special town meeting next week. This is an opportunity to reach people still visibly shaken who are in need of leadership during this next phase of the recovery process.
Review the theoretical frameworks from Chapter 2 of your text.
Create a 68 slide PowerPoint® presentation incorporating speaker notes outlining the six principles of sustainability.
Include the following components in your presentation:Choose one theoretical framework and incorporate elements into your presentation describing how it applies to this scenario. Describe how each of the six principles of sustainability is included in the long-term recovery process. Describe the challenges the community can anticipate. Provide solutions to each of these challenges.
The PowerPoint presentation should have the following characteristics:
- Designed with a live audience in mind in order to inform your viewers about the topic
- Bullets for your main points
- Pictures to support your presentation where applicable
- Speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the slide bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience
- A title slide and a references slide
- Research from at least two reliable sources to support the main message, including graphics Information from course readings, the course materials, or other library sources incorporated to support your discussion.
- Properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.
- Research and visuals cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a References slide. You need to quote material taken directly from a source. The same standards for documenting sources that apply to an essay also apply to a presentation
Go to Course Home>Academic Tools> APA Style Central® for a digital library of APA style quick guides and tutorials to refine your writing. Signal phrases are useful in presentations. They help make your writing flow with one idea clearly leading to the next. It is a good practice to use signal words and phrases instead of just inserting quotations abruptly and separately. For more details on signal phrases, refer to the Writing Center
Speaker Notes
To learn more about creating speaker notes in PowerPoint, review the GCF Learn Free® website.
Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc. (2015). PowerPoint 2010: Slide basics. GCF Learn Free. Retrieved from https://www.gcflearnfree.org/powerpoint2010/slide-basics/6/
Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the sources used. You may consult the Library, the internet, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. Use proper citations in APA style.
Answer the following in 350-700 words.
How would this same presentation differ if you were a state representative? If you were a federal representative?
In your essay, describe four potential differences and similarities between the local, state, and federal level by comparing and contrasting roles and responsibilities in recovery operations, including a comparison of all six principles of sustainability in federal, state, and local recovery operations.
Note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the sources used. You may consult the Library, the internet, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. Use proper citations in APA style.