Variables and population

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

1.Clearly describes all 3 variables and the population that is represented.* Discusses why topic was chosen and how the results could be used/who would benefit in a meaningful way.*2.Clearly describes all 3 variables and the population that is represented.* Discusses why topic was chosen and how the results could be used/who would benefit in a meaningful way.*3.Clearly discusses trends in the data from scatterplot, includes shape, strength, and direction. ** All trends correctly identified. Correctly identifies if there are outliers and explains why they should or should not be removed.* Clearly discusses if results met initial expectations.*4. Clearly discusses if there is a significant linear correlation between the first independent variable and the dependent variable.* Relates how much variation is explained by the linear association between the variables.* All conclusions are correct and supported by relevant output.*5.Clearly discusses trends in the data from scatterplot, includes shape, strength, and direction. ** All trends correctly identified. Correctly identifies if there are outliers and explains why they should or should not be removed.* Clearly discusses if results met initial expectations.*6.Clearly discusses if there is a significant linear correlation between the second independent variable and the dependent variable.* Relates how much variation is explained by the linear association between the variables.* All conclusions are correct and supported by relevant output.*7.Thoughtfully discusses if there could be other factors besides the independent variables chosen that are affecting the dependent variable.* Discussion is clear and logical.8.: Correctly decides which of the two regression equations would be better for predicting the independent variable and thoughtfully explains reasoning.* Correctly and thoroughly explains if the selected regression equation would be the best method for predicting.*

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