Visualization technologies

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

Discuss how Visualization technologies can create management efficiencies. Discuss how knowledge workers can quickly review performance and analyze data, empowering them to be better prepared in complex dynamic environments thereby allowing them to respond to unanticipated events with effective and appropriate decisions. By Wednesday 11:59 PM (25-50 words)

Post a response to a peer that adds value and contributes to their contribution to the discussion. You can agree or disagree (respectfully) yet ask yourself what new information and new resources did you bring to their discussion? 

Note: Don’t’ forget to support your postings or statements with resources with correct APA formatted citations and references. If you state facts they must be supported with citations and references.

Image1 (n.d.) Expert in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Mobile Marketing and Device Management solutions and services. Retrieved on November 26, 2018, from 

Image2 (n.d.) Performance Management in Action. SDG group. Retrieved on November 26, 2018, from

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