The Best 100+ Essay Topics about Mental health

by | Aug 17, 2022 | Blog Post, Homework Help, Tips and Tricks, Writing Tips

Looking for an interesting essay topic to write on mental health?

There are endless possibilities of what to write about on mental health.

Contemplating which angle to take in your essay? Below you’ll find essay ideas on mental health to get you started.

  1. Diagnosis and causes of depression.
  2. Clinical depression is an illness that affects both adults and children.
  3. What can you do to get help for yourself or someone else having trouble with depression?
  4. Depression is destroying the life of college students.
  5. CBT is an effective method of treating depression.
  6. Depression in pop culture
  7. Depression among high school students.
  8. Social media is increasing depression among teens.
  9. Depression is a silent killer among men.
  10. Depression is a silent killer among minority groups.
  11. What are the cause and effects of depression among teens?
  12. Depressive disorders in the elderly and how to cope.
  13. What kinds of treatments would you recommend for someone suffering from depression today?
  14. The best person to help someone with his/her depression is a professional therapist: Why?
  15. Psychotherapy as a treatment option for depression.
  16. Depression can be inherited.
  17. Intervention techniques for early childhood depression.
  18. Effective ways to prevent depression among college students.
  19. Therapy is an effective way to manage depression.
  20. The best psychotherapies for depression.
  21. Poverty is the biggest contributor to depression.
  22. Early childhood depression can be prevented.
  23. What are the warning signs that someone may have a mental illness?
  24. Post-partum depression among new mothers can be reduced.
  25. Mental health and social media.
  26. Social media is increasing suicide rates among college students.
  27. Psychological health impact the performance of college students.
  28. Psychological health impact the performance of care workers.
  29. Mental illness affects everyday life.
  30. Society’s stigma towards mental illness slows recovery.
  31. Management of mental illness is a family affair.
  32. Management of mental illness is a societal affair.
  33. Child abuse leads to mental disorders in the future.
  34. Psychology of Anxiety.
  35. Symptoms of anxiety.
  36. Causes of Anxiety.
  37. Drug treatment for anxiety.
  38. Chronic stress and anxiety among teens can be prevented.
  39. Chronic stress and anxiety among college students can be prevented.
  40. Applying cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce or prevent anxiety.
  41. Panic attacks – what are they, and how do they affect you?
  42. Seeking therapy can reduce anxiety.
  43. Healthy coping skills for mental health patients.
  44. Mental health impacts romantic relationships.
  45. Grief is a lifelong journey.
  46. Self-care can improve the life of mental health patients.
  47. Having a routine is an effective coping skill for mental health patients.
  48. Deaths caused by mental health are avoidable.
  49. Childhood trauma is the leading cause of suicide.
  50. How should society integrate with patients who have recovered from mental illness?
  51. The government should put in place policies to promote mental health stability in its citizens.
  52. The government should subsidize the fees charged in mental health facilities.
  53. Mental health is a societal problem.
  54. Everyone should understand the effects of mental health.
  55. Our society is losing touch with reality leading to more cases of mental illness.
  56. Risk factors play a role in cognitive wellbeing.
  57. The role of school programs in improving mental health.
  58. People of all ages suffer from mental health issues.
  59. Childhood trauma is responsible for mental health issues.
  60. Mental health abusers should be jailed.
  61. Mental health abuse should be treated with the same seriousness as physical abuse.
  62. Mental health topic among ethnic groups is still treated as taboo.
  63. Relationship between mental disorder and crime.
  64. Relationship between mental disorder and incarceration.
  65. Relationship between mental disorder and generational poverty.
  66. Parents can destroy the self-esteem of their children.
  67. Mental health and COVID-19.
  68. What causes people to kill themselves?
  69. How do people choose to commit suicide?
  70. Suicide pacts, theories, and statistics.
  71. Medical assessments and treatments for suicide attempts.
  72. How could suicide be prevented?
  73. What is the effect of suicide on the loved ones of the deceased?
  74. Should assisted suicide be legalized? Why or why not?
  75. Is euthanasia an acceptable way to prevent suffering in terminally ill patients? Why or why not?
  76. Is it ethical to deny treatment to a patient who wants it but cannot afford it when they have no chance of recovery?
  77. Preventing drug abuse among children.
  78. Drug abuse is a genetic problem.
  79. Drug abuse is an environmental problem.
  80. Drug abuse among Hispanic communities.
  81. Drug abuse among minorities.
  82. What are the cause and effects of anxiety among college students?
  83. What are the cause and effects of suicide among teens?
  84. What are the cause and effects of suicide among college students in Japan?
  85. The effect of early life trauma on childhood development.
  86. Think of something you have experienced yourself and write about it from your perspective and how it affected you growing up.
  87. The negative effects of childhood trauma on behavior and relationships.
  88. What are the different types of childhood trauma?
  89. What needs to be done to help children recover from trauma?
  90. How does childhood trauma affect adult relationships?
  91. Adoptive Families: The impact of childhood trauma on mental health.
  92. The psychological effect of childhood abuse and how it affects an adult’s life.
  93. Is there a connection between child abuse and being an addict?
  94. What are the myths about child abuse and addiction?
  95. Addiction is a manageable disease that should be treated as an illness.
  96. Three most important facts about addiction.
  97. How to prevent and deal with addiction in the family?
  98. The stigmas present around drug addiction are both hurtful and wrong.
  99. Is an addiction a disease or a choice?
  100. How do you treat addiction?
  101. Are there any reasons to be optimistic about the success rate of addiction treatment?
  102. What is a drug and what is the difference between legal drugs and illegal drugs?
  103. Why do people develop addictions to alcohol and nicotine?
  104. Substance abuse and alcoholism.
  105. Treatment for addictive behaviors.
  106. Effects of substance abuse during PTSD recovery.
  107. How to help veterans suffering from PTSD?
  108. How does PTSD affect relationships?
  109. PTSD in vets and service members.
  110. How does PTSD affect children?
  111. Common treatment options & clinical considerations for PTSD.
  112. The challenges faced by soldiers struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder is an issue of great concern.
  113. What are the symptoms of stress in children?
  114. How does PTSD affect your family relationships?
  115. How susceptible are minority groups at risk of suicide?
  116. How adopting a pet helps victims of child abuse recover

Wrapping up!

In years past, mental health issues were not given as much attention as they are now. People who experienced mental health-related problems were often ignored, while some were considered crazy.

As times have changed, people are increasingly more aware of mental health issues and how to deal with them.

Let us know if you need any assistance writing a paper on mental health.

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