Case Study C (Due Module 6)

Case Study C (Due Module 6)LaTonya is a five-year-old in her last year of preschool before going to kindergarten. The local public school houses this preschool and insists on evaluating all students, so they will know if the kids are ready for kindergarten.For this...

Case Study A (Module 3)

Case Study A (Due Module 3) Trevor is a four-year-old male in a privately owned daycare. There are 15 students and two adults in this preschool room. Trevor has focusing and behavioral issues that cause the teacher to stop teaching and working with other children to...

Classroom Environment

For this assignment you are asked to reflect on how you would plan a classroom environment for one targeted age or grade level. Write a reflective essay to include your perspective on the following topics: a structured classroom routineincluding families in the...

Describe a Fictional Child

Case Study Final Project: Describe a Fictional Child and Incorporate what you learned about community resources and current issues.I. Create and fully describe a fictional student, aged 1 to 3 years old. You can base this work on a child you are familiar with, but...